EIF Aim #4
Fourth of a dozen aims for the Estimated Innocence Form.

To springboard investigations into overlooked justice needs, such as identifying the actual perpetrator.
Without the Estimated Innocence Form, criminal investigations occur mostly behind closed doors. Its opacity covers the frequent problem of investigative tunnel vision, confirmation bias, and untenable theories of guilt. Improper investigation resulting in wrongful convictions typically allows the actual violent perpetrator to violate others with impunity.
The EIF could potentially aid investigators in identifying patterns of crime resulting from locking up the wrong person. Sometimes the claimant has a better idea who the actual perpetrator than investigators trying to take shortcuts with people’s lives (both the accused and accuser). Such data provides better direction for solving crime than untested gut reactions of police and prosecutors who feel pressured to quickly close a case.
How can the EIF serve you?
The EIF is also for innocence litigators.