Deconstructing Our Truthiness
| #013 | THEORY > cns687 | 757 words | Modernism mirrored the pre-modern “it-must-be-a-certain-way” paradigm. For cultural reasons, it...
When Innocence Was All I Had
| #012 | EXPRESSION > war stories | 393 words | "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger," is a common prisoner motif. Once tested,...
Needing to Relate for Relating to Needs
| #011 | THEORY > cns687 | 864 words | Modernism contends that phenomena have certain objective truths. As an observer, the way to...
Industrialized Wellness
| #010 | THEORY > cns687 | 1,091 words | Too much skepticism may blind the observer to genuine phenomena that cannot be verified by...
Putting Out Fires
| #009 | EXPRESSION > war stories | 814 words | Deviants against deviants Like Andy Dufresne in the Shawshank Redemption, I sat quietly...
What Works and For Whom?
| #008 | THEORY > cns687 | 814 words | In comparing the medical model and the contextual model of counseling, Wampold (2001) does little...
Psychic Structure or Psychosocial Homeostasis
| #007 | THEORY > cns687 | 507 words | In Freud’s psychic structure, I see psychosocial homeostasis. Psychosocial development speaks to...