Steph is the founder of anankelogy, the disciplined study of need. After earning degrees in sociology, anthropology, counseling and public administration, Steph realized these fields exist to find answers to our many needs. Anankelogy studies the needs themselves.
Anankelogy recognizes the objective fact of needs. Our actions, beliefs, and thinking all occur after our factual needs. No one can choose to not need what their life requires in that moment. This factoid can settle many unnecessary conflicts, and make more room for peace and love.
Anankelogy's first paradigm is grounded upon Steph's own Native American heritage. This nature-centric lens inspires us to realize how we all exist in many intersecting cycles.
After coming out as transgender in 1993, Steph learned firsthand about needs when falsely accused and wrongly convicted of a sex crime that never occurred. People make mistakes, and so do the institutions led by them when not accountable to the needs they negatively impact. These institutions too easily divide us.
Steph identifies as a "transspirit" compelled to transcend institutional divisiveness to connect deeply with all sides to address and hopefully resolve all impacted needs. This continues to spark a wealth of wisdom to address unresolved needs in our institutions of politics and the judiciary.
traditional media
and more
Interview Topics
Steph is ready to cover topics related to the experience of needs.
How emotions exist to convey our needs
How love transcends divisiveness
How to understand all political sides without judgment
How adversarial justice can trigger injustice
How humanity drifts further into "symfunction"
How pain cannot exist without unresolved needs
Why there is no good nor bad except for need
...and more.
I help your audience remove pain by resolving needs
NEEDS in politics
Harmony Politics: Identifies the pressing needs on both political sides of each politicized issue. Currently available as an interactive spreadsheet.
Defusing Polarization: Udemy course taken by 125 students that unpacks political differences in 3 hours of accessible content. Ask for free coupon.
Unifying Politics: 21-minute video summarizing how ideological differences begin with a clashing priority of needs. See both sides to 8 key political issues.
NEEDS in justice
The Unexonerated: Lists available research estimating rate of wrongful convictions in the US. From less than a percent to 15.4% of all prisoners.
Estimated Innocence: Wrongful convictions vastly outpace exonerations. This form estimates innocence by matching cases to known exonerations.
Informed Decisions Act: Drafted bill to require public listing of convictions to include info for the public to recognize viable cases of innocence.
tentative cover
Politics and the judiciary fail to resolve needs. Anankelogy explains why. Not much traction will likely occur until its radical basis can be widely found by readers of You NEED This, the first in this anankelogy series. Two more are set to be published in 2022: We NEED This and We NEED You.


You NEED This, Introducing Anankelogy, the study of need
We NEED This, Introducing Anankelogical Principles and Wisdom
We NEED You, Introducing Anankelogical Defunctions & Refunctions
Interview Questions
Steph invites you to inquire how we experience our needs.
Political needs
Why do liberals believe in a greater role for government?
Why do conservatives insist on less governance?
How can liberals and conservatives understand each other?
Justice needs
What percentage of prisoners claim to be innocent?
What is the estimated rate of wrongful convictions in the US?
Why is it so hard to identify and clear all the wrongly convicted?
What is it like to be innocent and never exonerated?
What does it mean to be a 'transspirit'? Historical examples?
How are transspirits easily targeted by norm enforcers?
What do you mean by emotions as conveyer of needs?
How is "defunction" different from pathology?
What exactly is "symfunction?"
Tell me about "need-experience orientations".
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