Transcripts List of Searchable PDFs
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Date Document Name
19930707 see Discovery Documents below
19930709 Arraignment Felony Complaint
19930720 Preliminary Examination
19930806 Motion Proceedings <------------------------
19931118 Motion for In Camera Proceeding...
19931119 Motion to Sever Defendants
19931122 Motion for Seq & Indiv Voir Dire...
19931122 Order Regarding Spousal Testimony
19931124 Motion for Direction for Method...
19931124 Motion to Quash, to Sever, to Show Cause
19931129 Witnesses to be Excluded from...Jury
19931201 Preliminary Instructions to Jury and Opening Statements
19931202 Jury Trial, Volume I of VIII -
complainant testimony (pp 45-171)
19931203 Jury Trial, Volume II of VIII
state's witness: India Harris (pp 176-191)
state's witness: Laura Lee VanGenderen (pp 191-203)
state's witness: Cynthia Marble (pp 203-225)
state's witness: Judy Dixon (pp 225-231)
state's witness: Jeana Lanetta Scott (pp 231-236)
state's witness: Carmen Garcia (pp 236-243)
19931206 Jury Trial, Volume III of VIII
state's witness: Officer Paul Mesman (pp 266-311)
state's witness: Sergeant Pamela Carrier (pp 311-344)
state's witness: Officer Michael Barr (pp 344-385)
state's witness: Steven Perry, D.O. (pp 385-423)
19931207 Jury Trial, Volume IV of VIII
state's witness: Leslie Vandenhout, R.N. (pp 430-455)
state's witness: Ruth Hamstra, R.N. (pp 455-462)
state's witness: Edward Cox, M.D. (pp 462-477)
state's witness: Karen Curtiss, CST (pp 477-494, 521-552)
motion for mistrial (pp 494-521)
state's witness: Robert Birr (pp 552-591)
19931208 Jury Trial, Volume V of VIII
state's witness: Lt. James Straub, polygraph examiner (pp 597-606)
state's witness: Det. Christine Karpowicz (pp 606-635)
state's witness: Patricia Ann Haist, sex assault counselor (pp 635-643)
state's witness: Det. Debora Vazquez (pp 643-689)
19931209 Jury Trial, Volume VI of VIII
explanation to juries for delay
19931210 Jury Trial, Volume VII-a of VIII
Jury Trial, Volume VII-b of VIII
state's witness: Joel Kusmierz (pp 697-705)
jury instructions (pp 705-758, 879-890)
closing arguments & rebuttals (pp 758-879)
jury inquiry (pp 893-901)
19931213 Final Day of Jury Trial
jury requests; verdicts read & polled
19940111 Presentence Investigation Report
19940124 Motion for Dir Verdict...New Trial...
19940201 Sentencing Memorandum (with support letters)
19940201 Supplemental Plea Proceedings
19940202 Sentencing Information Report
19940202 Judgment of Sentence Commitment to Corr Dept
19940926 codef: Appellant's Brief on Appeal
19941121 codef: Appellant's Supplemental Brief on Appeal
19941227 codef: Motion to File Supplemental Brief DENIED
19950501 codef: Plaintiff-Appellee's Brief (prosecutor)
19960614 State Brief on Appeal
19970630 codef: Order removing case from panel
19980108 Appellate Court Opinion (also available online)
19980217 State opp Motion for Rehearing
19980513 Delayed Appl for Leave to Appeal
19980706 State opp Appl for Leave to Appeal
19990202 resentencing <------------------------
Discovery Documents
Sentencing Memorandum: Support Letters

19981127 Discovery Papers Itemization [transcribed to WORD]
19981127 Discovery Papers Itemization (2pp)
Discovery Papers Itemized (65pp, 63 items) [pp1-51] (not searchable)
Discovery Papers Itemized (65pp, 63 items) [pp52-65] (not searchable)
Felony Complaint (1p), General Incident Reports (14pp, 63 items)
General Incident Report revised
Investigative Interview Form - Officer Vazquez - [WORD]
19930708.0100 Karpowicz note re Joel Edward Kuzmierz
19930707 Perry, D.O. notes - [WORD]
MI State Police Forensic Lab, Lab Reports (Moore,Hunt)
19930709 Moore Lab Report (MSPFL)
19930723 Hunt Lab Report (MSPFL)
Search Warrant Property Receipts - Curtiss, Reed, Karpowicz [WORD]
Search Warrant Property Receipts (items list)
Property Receipts (Search Warrent inventory items) [EXCEL]
Institute for Psychosexual Health letter to Janet (Milwaukee WI)
Mother Dear, My First Love (Janet) - [WORD]
Ideologies of Cross-dressers (Janet) [not found]
To All You ''Straight'' Queers Out There (Steph 1993) - [WORD]

Janet's diagnosis letter
Other Documents
Miscellaneous documents to be added here as I find them.
19931213 Jury notes
20141205 Intake Questionnaire, Center on Wrongful Convictions