Impact Parity Model
Value Relating uses its Impact Parity Model to address justice needs and judicial needs impacted by power relations.
You are the IMPACTEE if you are impacted by the relationship more than you impact it.
You are the IMPACTOR if you impact the relationship more than you are impacted by it.
We start with "Reporting Impactee" to emphasize the role of voicing the complaint of painful impacts.
We start humbly with "Ascribe Impactor" since the Reporting could be mistaken about many things.
RI does not fit neatly into AI generalizations. RI's life is more nuanced than accuser and accused.
AI cannot relate to diversity of RI constituents if clinging to simple but opposing generalizations.
Who is this for?
You are someone without any judicial authority. Judicially speaking, you are an impactee.
You are wrongly convicted and not yet exonerated.
Your innocence claim is refused review by innocence projects.
You are a family member representing a wrongly convicted prisoner.
You are out of prison and cannot find a job because of your wrongful conviction.
Your encounters with police retraumatize you.
Or you simply are someone interested in learning about this unique approach to estimating and publicizing innocence claims, and you have no judicial influence.
You are someone with some judicial influence. Judicially speaking, you are an impactor.
You are a defense lawyer representing the wrongly convicted.
You are an innocence project staff person.
You work for a conviction integrity unit.
You are a prosecutor or judge linked to wrongful convictions.
You are an employer complicit in discriminating against the wrongly convicted.
Or you simply are someone interested in learning about this unique approach to estimating and publicizing innocence claims, and you have some judicial influence.
Innocence Claim Form
Innocence Claim
Yes, not everyone who claims they were wrongly convicted are actually innocent. But what if only a minority claim innocence? What if a majority of innocence claims are correct?
Contrary to widespread belief, only about 15% of prisoners claim actual innocence. They spend years insisting consistently they had no role in the alleged offense. If you think they are desperate to get out of prison, then what do they gain by repeatedly being denied parole for maintaining their innocence?
The criminal justice system tends to be slow to recognize or admit or correct its costly errors. Innocence projects continue to be overwhelmed by requests for help. They understandably work within the adversarial justice process. Something must give. And we are.
Download it
With the Innocence Claim Form, we step outside this dysfunctional system. We go straight to the public with the compelling evidence of innocence. We prioritize the resolving of needs.
Indeed, you may want some guidance understanding or filling out this long form. I look forward to helping you through this uneasy exercise. Prior to booking a session, while slots remain open, your first session is free for the asking.
Book it
If the claimant remains incarcerated and unable to receive this service directly, I look forward to working with a proxy representative. Book a session with me, to squeeze as much as you can from this post-adversarial approach to justice. No matter how heinous the conviction, you can trust me. I am one of you.
I created the Innocence Claim Form to demonstrate my own compelling evidence of innocence. After coming out as transgender decades ago amidst sexualizing bias, I was wrongly convicted without corroborating evidence of false allegations from someone I have never even met.
Why me?
That is what I asked myself for two years. Then I turned that question around. Why not me? Why not test my meddle and let what didn’t kill me make me stronger?
Now I am stronger for it, for you. Now I am poised to explore this alternative with you and your loved ones, to keep hope alive.
Your questions
Before booking a session, you likely have some questions. Before committing your time and resources, I want to be sure you this service fits your needs.
I look forward to answering any questions or concerns, to help you decide if this is a good fit for you. Send me an an email and I will get answer you as promptly as I can. Thank you for the honor of serving your needs.
Value Justice intro
If not ready to dive in, we provide you a brief introductory session. Ask me anything about Innocence Claim Form, or wrongful convictions in general.
You text me up to 15 minutes with SMS. We only charge you $25. With a 10% deposit, you only pay $2.50 up front.
Let me know this service is not for you and end the call before the 15 minutes, and you only pay the $2.50. Book by 9/1/2020 with the coupon in the book description, and you only pay the deposit.
If this service fills a need, consider our full service options.
Full service options
Value Relating offers three progressing levels of service.
Start out only texting me for some guidance with the ICF tool.
You can then decide to video chat with me for support.
Finally, we host a group meeting online to advocate for you, or for others.
Check out our How it works page to explore this unique approach to consulting. Then book a session so we can get to work solving problems by resolving needs.

Learning Innocence Claim Form
$75/half-hour full price, available now for $50/half-hour.
1st session free for the asking.
To shift from relying on under-resourced innocence projects or trusting the biased criminal justice system to correct itself, to using the publicly verifiable evidence-based Innocence Claim Form.
Learn how to fill out and use the Innocence Claim Form. Learn how anankelogy, the study of need, addresses the issues of justice in ways overlooked by the criminal justice system.
Walk you through filling out the form.
Ask me anything about the form and its usefulness to your innocence claim.
Stretch this form to fit your specific situation, improving it for others.
Discuss how to grow support around your viable claim.
Listen to you decompress your own experiences of wrongful conviction.
Explore ways to leverage your experience to be better valued and supported.
See how your own psychosocial needs affect your justice needs.
Be emboldened to speak truth to judicial power.
BONUS: Writing to your local rep to pass the Informed Decisions Act in your state.
Let us know if you have other guidance needs for us to serve.
First of three stages if pursuing our psychosociotherapeutic process. Which changes power imbalances to resolve one another's impacted needs.
Scheduled 25-minutes at a time. Text-based: SMS after exchanging phone numbers, unless you request a chat app alternative.
$75/half-hour full price, available now for $50/half-hour.
1st session free for the asking.
To shift from insisting innocence projects or the criminal justice system are the only means for official recognition of wrongful conviction to using the publicly verifiable evidence-based Innocence Claim Form.
Learn how to fill out and use the Innocence Claim Form. Learn how anankelogy, the study of need, addresses the issues of justice in ways overlooked by the criminal justice system.
Walk you through the items of the form.
Estimate their eligible compensation.
Ask me anything about the form and its usefulness to an innocence claim.
Critique this form to fit this specific situation, improving it for others.
Work with us to build support around the claimant’s viable claim.
Listen to claimant process their particular experiences of wrongful conviction.
Explore ways to leverage your resources to better support the wrongly convicted.
See how your own psychosocial needs affect your justice needs.
Be encouraged to listen to those impacted by your judicial power.
BONUS: Writing to your local rep to pass the Informed Decisions Act in your state.
Let us know if you have other guidance needs for us to serve.
First of three stages if asked to respond to psychosociotherapeutic process to shift power relations into a mutual need-resolving opportunity.
Scheduled 25-minutes at a time. Text-based: SMS after exchanging phone numbers, unless you request a chat app alternative.

Utilizing Innocence Claim Form
$150/hour full price,
available now for $100/hour.
Ask me about our available discounts.
To complement or replace adversarial justice by directly engaging the needs of those affected by personal violence, including violence from the criminal justice system or neglect of innocence projects, using the Innocence Claim Form.
I guide you to building social support around your viable innocence claim. I advocate for you with employers, landlords, public accommodations, and other consequences of criminal wrong convictions. Every dollar invested in your compelling innocence claim is to be leveraged to compel the court’s attention to correct its egregious error.
Send to each employer or other recipient a copy of claimant’s Innocence Claim Form.
Work with claimant and supporter(s) to help validate the claim from provided documentation.
Guide supporters to create recurring crowdfunding campaign to recover support costs.
Provide list of resources for the wrongly convicted in each area.
Intercede for claimant and supporter(s) with resource-strapped innocence projects.
Contact courts on claimant’s behalf with the “higher authority” of need-response.
Help inspire interest in innocence claim with media strategies.
Stretch your resilience to speak boldly to misused judicial power.
Assess & audit the judicial legitimacy of those in judicial power.
BONUS: Certification when all claims that can be verified are validated to sufficient degree, then resending with adjusted score of estimated innocence.
Let us know if you have other support needs for us to serve.
Second of three stages if pursuing our psychosociotherapeutic process. Which can transform power relations into resources for resolving more of one another’s needs.
Scheduled 50-minutes at a time. Schedule extra slots if you need more time. Video chat using app of your choosing.
$150/hour full price,
available now for $100/hour.
Ask me about investment opportunities.
To complement or replace adversarial justice by directly engaging the needs of those affected by personal violence, including violence from the criminal justice system or neglect of innocence projects, using the Innocence Claim Form.
I guide you to building social support around your viable innocence claim. I advocate for you with employers, landlords, public accommodations, and other consequences of criminal wrong convictions. Every dollar invested in your compelling innocence claim is to be leveraged to compel the court’s attention to correct its egregious error.
Receive a copy of claimant’s Innocence Claim Form with an invitation to forward to others involved.
Review their provided documentation to verify or invalidate elements of the claim.
Serve as a resource for the wrongly convicted in your area.
Attract resources with the extent of the need to improve responsiveness of innocence projects.
Receive helpful critique of judicial authority from the “higher authority” of need-response.
Publicize the viability of this innocence claim with your social capital reach.
Stretch your resilience to listen to painful critique of misused judicial power.
Receive critique of your judicial legitimacy from those impacted by judicial power.
BONUS: Certification when all claims that can be verified are validated to sufficient degree, then resending with adjusted score of estimated innocence.
Let us know if you have other support needs for us to serve.
Second of three stages if responding to our psychosociotherapeutic process. Which can provide you opportunity to relate directly with constituents’ overlooked needs.
Scheduled 50-minutes at a time. Schedule extra slots if you need more time. Video chat using app of your choosing.

Backing Innocence Claim
$300/hour full price, available now for $200/hour.
Ask about impactors investing in covering this cost.
Potentially pay little to nothing for your psychosociotherapeutic speak-truth-to-power journey.
To transcend adversarial justice to resolve specific justice needs, equally attending to violator and violated needs, with emphasis on the violated wrongly convicted and the violator judiciary.
I support you confronting the irresponsive judicial system to respect your right to resolve needs over their lower standard of easing pain for one side over the other.
Review interactive fact sheet to appreciate extent of this underreported problem.
Review of justifism, which is justifying unjust outcomes of criminal justice.
Contact background checking entities to spread awareness of this problem of not-yet-exonerated discrimination.
Build with us a compelling media campaign to build wider support of this innocence claim.
Work together to create a inspiring crowdfunding campaign to build support for this viable claim.
Explore inspiring ways to turn traumatizing incidents like this into post-traumatic growth.
Work with us to provide viable alternatives to the dysfunctional criminal justice system.
Avow with us the liberty to resolve justice needs, challenging the norm of pitting humans against each other in the name of justice.
BONUS: Add supporters to an endorsement video affirming the claim as verified with its level of strength of actual innocence, which can be freely used in social media and other uses.
Let us know if you have other advocacy needs for us to serve.
Last of three stages if pursuing our psychosociotherapeutic process.
You grow the internal and external supports essential for resolving your judicially impacted needs. You overcome adversarial justice barriers to resolve your impacted needs.
You speak your truth of innocence to judicial power with the viability of your claim. You earn their invested support. Power balances more evenly.
Scheduled in two-hour long sessions at a time. If meeting up with the impactor for our unique process, we can coordinate a time best agreeable to all. Schedule extra back-to-back slots if needing longer sessions. Video group meet: Zoom or an agreeable alternative app with more than one-on-one meetings.
$300/hour full price, available now for $200/hour.
Ask about impactee providing investment opportunity.
Potential return on investment when demonstrating greater judicial responsiveness.
To transcend adversarial justice to resolve specific justice needs, equally attending to violator and violated needs, with emphasis on the violated wrongly convicted and the violator judiciary.
I support you in shifting the focus from easing the pain of the winning side in a court battle to measurable responsiveness to all impacted by interpersonal and state violence.
Review interactive fact sheet to appreciate extent of this underreported problem.
Review of justifism, of how much you justify unjust outcomes of criminal justice.
Contact background checking entities to spread awareness of this problem of not-yet-exonerated discrimination.
Build with us a compelling media campaign to build wider support of this innocence claim.
Work together to create a inspiring crowdfunding campaign to build support for this viable claim.
Explore inspiring ways to turn traumatizing incidents like this into post-traumatic growth.
Work with us to provide viable alternatives to the dysfunctional criminal justice system.
Avow with us the liberty to resolve justice needs, challenging the norm of pitting humans against each other in the name of justice.
BONUS: Be invited to endorse claimant in a video affirming their claim as verified with its level of strength of actual innocence, branding you as more responsive to justice needs.
Let us know if you have other advocacy needs for us to serve.
Last of three stages if responding to our psychosociotherapeutic process.
You can either invest in their viable claim of innocence, or risk losing advantage to others who we help become more measurably responsive to justice needs.
You listen to the innocent impacted by your greater judicial influence. You invest in their need for support. Your invested power resolves need.
Scheduled in two-hour long sessions at a time. If meeting up with the impactor for our unique process, we can coordinate a time best agreeable to all. Schedule extra back-to-back slots if needing longer sessions. Video group meet: Zoom or an agreeable alternative app with more than one-on-one meetings.
Check in after booking
After booking a session, you will receive a confirmation email. Before the day of your appointment, let us know a few things about yourself.
Your device for our communication & your preferred communication app.
If you are an RI or AI, and if responding to an invitation or initiating this process.
If leading with your own agenda, or following our unique process.
Include anything else we should know to best serve your particular needs. Click the "Check in" button below when ready. Thank you for the honor of serving your needs.
Wrongful convictions responsive
If pursuing or following our psychosociotherapeutic process, you help us all create necessary structural change. Each time you resolve your stubborn needs, you help us all resolve our stubborn problems.
Unlike psychotherapy or arbitration, Value Relating's need-response invests in you to invest in others similarly situated. These are called need-responsives.
You don't change relationships with love just for yourself. You improve relating for us all. Shouldn't you be properly rewarded for spreading so much love?
With the tools of anankelogy—improving your understanding of varied needs—you can play an integral role in this new field called need-response. You can invest your need-resolving experience in our justice need-responsive. Care to learn how?
Spread the love
If you find value in this service, please let others know. Recommend this page on social media.
See how we apply this approach to justice needs and eldercare needs. Consider joining us to help expand our offerings. Join us in resolving needs, to spread love.
Thank you

Steph Turner
As founder of anankelogy, the disciplined study of need, I can give you insights into justice you cannot get anywhere else. I provide you a unique depth of wisdom forged from multiple degrees and years of judicial system experience, overcoming my own wrongful conviction.
Book your first free session now, while slots remain open. I look forward to liberating the wrongly convicted with this Innocence Claim Form. And together take a firm stand for deeper justice.