Impact Parity Model
Value Relating uses its Impact Parity Model to address senior needs and eldercare needs impacted by power relations.
You are the IMPACTEE if you are impacted by the relationship more than you impact it.
You are the IMPACTOR if you impact the relationship more than you are impacted by it.
We start with "Reporting Impactee" to emphasize the role of voicing the complaint of painful impacts.
We start humbly with "Ascribe Impactor" since the Reporting could be mistaken about many things.
RI does not fit neatly into AI generalizations. RI's life is more nuanced than caretaker and family.
AI cannot relate to diversity of RI constituents if clinging to simple but opposing generalizations.
Who is this for?
You are someone without any eldercare authority. You are a senior impactee.
You are someone with some eldercare influence. You are to seniors an impactor.
You are a transitioning senior.
You are an adult child of a senior in transition.
You are a family caregiver.
You are a friend caregiver.
Or you simply are someone interested in learning how to better serve seniors' changing needs, and have no influence in eldercare.
Or you simply are someone interested in learning how to better serve seniors' changing needs, and you have some influence in eldercare.
You are an eldercare professional.
You run a nursing home.
You shape eldercare policies.
Your income is eldercare.
Actively Doing Life
Activities of Daily Life checklist
The older you get in a nursing home, the more rapid you seem to decline. But how much of that is simply old age? And how much from such institutions not being responsive to seniors' changing needs?
The COVID-19 pandemic overwhelmed not only hospitals but nursing homes as well. How are they to keep track of the many needs they serve unless we tell them? Actively Doing Life empowers seniors and their loved ones to report the senior's changing needs. Eldercare providers need this information to do their jobs more effectively.
Download it
After downloading this free interactive tool for assessing senior's activities of daily living, you may find resources you did not know exists for both you the senior and for your loved ones. Try it and find out for yourself.
Indeed, you may want to ask me some burning questions. I look forward to answering them. Prior to booking a session, while slots remain open, your first session is free for the asking.
Book it
Book a session with me, to explore how to best use this tool. Let me invest my 30+ years of experience and education in eldercare to help you. Together, we will ensure helping professionals better serve your overlooked senior needs.
The Actively Doing Life tool gives you a good start. If it does the trick, and your neglected senior’s needs get better served on your own, great! If not, book a session with me so I make sure those needs are being served. And to make sure eldercare professionals can stay atop of such needs in their busy careers.
Ask me
Before booking a session, you likely have some questions. Before committing your time and resources, I want to be sure you this service fits your needs.
I look forward to answering any questions or concerns, to help you decide if this is a good fit for you. Send me an an email and I will get answer you as promptly as I can. Thank you for the honor of serving your needs.
Value Seniors intro
If not ready to dive in, we provide you a brief introductory session. Ask me anything about Actively Doing Life, or eldercare in general.
You text me up to 15 minutes with SMS. We only charge you $25. With a 10% deposit, you only pay $2.50 up front.
Let me know this service is not for you and end the call before the 15 minutes, and you only pay the $2.50. Book by 9/1/2020 with the coupon in the book description, and you only pay the deposit.
If this service fills a need, consider our full service options.
Full service options
Value Relating offers three progressing levels of service.
Start out only texting me for some guidance with the ADL tool.
You can then decide to video chat with me for support.
Finally, we host a group meeting online to advocate for you, or for others.
Check out our How it works page to explore this unique approach to consulting. Then book a session so we can get to work solving problems by resolving needs.

Learning Actively Doing Life
$75/half-hour full price, available now for $50/half-hour.
1st session free for the asking.
To shift from relying on under-resourced innocence projects or trusting the biased criminal justice system to correct itself, to using the publicly verifiable evidence-based Innocence Claim Form.
Learn how to fill out and use the Actively Doing Life (or Assisted Daily Living) checklist tool. Except for the BONUS item listed below, all these services are provided primarily by online chat.
I contact each available resource on the senior’s and family’s behalf.
I prioritize ways for keeping loved ones closer together.
I conduct a preliminary exam to check for any early signs of dementia.
I help you locate financial assistance to cover costs to support the family elder.
I share my own experiences working in various assisted living facilities.
See how your own psychosocial needs shape your caretaking capacity.
Be emboldened to speak truth to caretaker power.
BONUS: I personally visit the senior and any welcomed family members to summarize their concluded options.
Let us know if you have other guidance needs for us to serve.
First of three stages if pursuing our psychosociotherapeutic process. Which changes power imbalances to resolve one another's impacted needs.
Scheduled 25-minutes at a time. Text-based: SMS after exchanging phone numbers, unless you request a chat app alternative.
$75/half-hour full price, available now for $50/half-hour.
1st session free for the asking.
To shift from insisting innocence projects or the criminal justice system are the only means for official recognition of wrongful conviction to using the publicly verifiable evidence-based Innocence Claim Form.
Learn how to fill out and use the Actively Doing Life (or Assisted Daily Living) checklist tool. Except for the BONUS item listed below, all these services are provided primarily by online chat.
I contact each available resource on the senior’s and family’s behalf.
I prioritize ways for keeping loved ones closer together.
I conduct a preliminary exam to check for any early signs of dementia.
I help you locate financial assistance to cover costs to support the family elder.
I share my own experiences working in various assisted living facilities.
See how your own psychosocial needs shape your caretaking capacity.
Be emboldened to speak truth to caretaker power.
BONUS: I personally visit the senior and any welcomed family members to summarize their concluded options.
Let us know if you have other guidance needs for us to serve.
First of three stages if asked to respond to psychosociotherapeutic process to shift power relations into a mutual need-resolving opportunity.
Scheduled 25-minutes at a time. Text-based: SMS after exchanging phone numbers, unless you request a chat app alternative.

Optimizing Actively Doing Life
$150/hour full price,
available now for $100/hour.
Ask me about our available discounts.
To complement or replace adversarial justice by directly engaging the needs of those affected by personal violence, including violence from the criminal justice system or neglect of innocence projects, using the Innocence Claim Form.
I guide you to building social support around your senior loved one’s and family needs. Except for the BONUS item listed below, all these services are provided primarily by online chat.
I listen to the elder in confidence pour out their emotions in facing the challenges of this life stage.
I listen to family members in confidence pour out their emotions in facing the challenges of this life stage.
I bring all involved together to strengthen their family ties for mutual loving support.
I provide resources to address any past family trauma, regrets, financial problems, etc.
I serve as a family-focused resource coordinator during this challenging transitional time.
BONUS: I invite the senior to share important memories that can be recorded and passed down for their legacy.
Let us know if you have other support needs for us to serve.
Second of three stages if pursuing our psychosociotherapeutic process. Which can transform power relations into resources for resolving more of one another’s needs.
Scheduled 50-minutes at a time. Schedule extra slots if you need more time. Video chat using app of your choosing.
$150/hour full price,
available now for $100/hour.
Ask me about investment opportunities.
To complement or replace adversarial justice by directly engaging the needs of those affected by personal violence, including violence from the criminal justice system or neglect of innocence projects, using the Innocence Claim Form.
I guide you to building social support around your senior loved one’s and family needs. Except for the BONUS item listed below, all these services are provided primarily by online chat.
I listen to the elder in confidence pour out their emotions in facing the challenges of this life stage.
I listen to family members in confidence pour out their emotions in facing the challenges of this life stage.
I bring all involved together to strengthen their family ties for mutual loving support.
I provide resources to address any past family trauma, regrets, financial problems, etc.
I serve as a family-focused resource coordinator during this challenging transitional time.
BONUS: I invite the senior to share important memories that can be recorded and passed down for their legacy.
Let us know if you have other support needs for us to serve.
Second of three stages if responding to our psychosociotherapeutic process. Which can provide you opportunity to relate directly with constituents’ overlooked needs.
Scheduled 50-minutes at a time. Schedule extra slots if you need more time. Video chat using app of your choosing.

Leveraging Actively Doing Life
$300/hour full price, available now for $200/hour.
Ask about impactors investing in covering this cost.
Potentially pay little to nothing for your psychosociotherapeutic speak-truth-to-power journey.
To transcend adversarial justice to resolve specific justice needs, equally attending to violator and violated needs, with emphasis on the violated wrongly convicted and the violator judiciary.
I support the senior and family through some of the most trying times during this fateful transition. Except for the BONUS item listed below, all these services are provided primarily by online chat.
I personally advocate for your family’s needs with various professional but potentially impersonal senior resources.
I serve as your personal liaison to the local agency on aging, and other senior service entities.
I provide political advocacy for laws respecting the senior’s particular needs.
I facilitate discussion when the family must decide if an assisted living facility is their best or only option.
I help the family and senior to create a lasting legacy for when the senior eventually passes on.
BONUS: I invite each family member to record a message of personal gratitude and affection for their senior loved one, and can deliver the final product in person or leave it to you to share.
Let us know if you have other advocacy needs for us to serve.
Last of three stages if pursuing our psychosociotherapeutic process.
You grow the internal and external supports essential for resolving your judicially impacted needs. You overcome adversarial justice barriers to resolve your impacted needs.
You speak your truth of innocence to judicial power with the viability of your claim. You earn their invested support. Power balances more evenly.
Scheduled in two-hour long sessions at a time. If meeting up with the impactor for our unique process, we can coordinate a time best agreeable to all. Schedule extra back-to-back slots if needing longer sessions. Video group meet: Zoom or an agreeable alternative app with more than one-on-one meetings.
$300/hour full price, available now for $200/hour.
Ask about impactee providing investment opportunity.
Potential return on investment when demonstrating greater judicial responsiveness.
To transcend adversarial justice to resolve specific justice needs, equally attending to violator and violated needs, with emphasis on the violated wrongly convicted and the violator judiciary.
I support the senior and family through some of the most trying times during this fateful transition. Except for the BONUS item listed below, all these services are provided primarily by online chat.
I personally advocate for your family’s needs with various professional but potentially impersonal senior resources.
I serve as your personal liaison to the local agency on aging, and other senior service entities.
I provide political advocacy for laws respecting the senior’s particular needs.
I facilitate discussion when the family must decide if an assisted living facility is their best or only option.
I help the family and senior to create a lasting legacy for when the senior eventually passes on.
BONUS: I invite each family member to record a message of personal gratitude and affection for their senior loved one, and can deliver the final product in person or leave it to you to share.
Let us know if you have other advocacy needs for us to serve.
Last of three stages if responding to our psychosociotherapeutic process.
You can either invest in their viable claim of innocence, or risk losing advantage to others who we help become more measurably responsive to justice needs.
You listen to the innocent impacted by your greater judicial influence. You invest in their need for support. Your invested power resolves need.
Scheduled in two-hour long sessions at a time. If meeting up with the impactor for our unique process, we can coordinate a time best agreeable to all. Schedule extra back-to-back slots if needing longer sessions. Video group meet: Zoom or an agreeable alternative app with more than one-on-one meetings.
Check in after booking
After booking a session, you will receive a confirmation email. Before the day of your appointment, let us know a few things about yourself.
Your device for our communication & your preferred communication app.
If you are an RI or AI, and if responding to an invitation or initiating this process.
If leading with your own agenda, or following our unique process.
Include anything else we should know to best serve your particular needs. Click the "Check in" button below when ready. Thank you for the honor of serving your needs.
Elders responsive
If pursuing or following our psychosociotherapeutic process, you help us all create necessary structural change. Each time you resolve your stubborn needs, you help us all resolve our stubborn problems.
Unlike psychotherapy or arbitration, Value Relating's need-response invests in you to invest in others similarly situated. These are called need-responsives.
You don't change relationships with love just for yourself. You improve relating for us all. Shouldn't you be properly rewarded for spreading so much love?
With the tools of anankelogy—improving your understanding of varied needs—you can play an integral role in this new field called need-response. You can invest your need-resolving experience in this elders-responsive. Care to learn how?
Spread the love
If you find value in this service, please let others know. Recommend this page on social media.
See how we apply this approach to justice needs and eldercare needs. Consider joining us to help expand our offerings. Join us in resolving needs, to spread love.
Thank you

Alisha Turner
As an early student of anankelogy, the disciplined study of need, I can give you insights into eldercare you cannot get anywhere else. I provide you a unique depth of wisdom forged from a three-decades career in eldercare and relevant coursework.
Book your first free session now, while slots remain open. I look forward to giving a voice to seniors with the Actively Doing Life tool. And together to love our elders as they love us.