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Divisivism pulls us all into the darkness of hate.

Which do you think is more likely?

Positions of power attract psychopaths who care little if anything at all about your painful needs.


Those in power would be more responsive to your needs if you compelled their attention.


If willing to take courage to test the latter, then let’s begin.

power assumption

Political elites too easily divide us.


Which do you think is more likely?

Anyone can change their political views if they only listened to your convincing arguments.


Political views outwardly express an inward priority of needs unlikely to change without love.


If willing to take courage to test the latter, then let’s begin.

1. Poitically homeless?

Politically homeless?

With unresolved politicized needs?

Are you among the millions disillusioned with the elite driven direction of politics? Why trust a hostile process provoking hatred for each other to address your public facing needs?

Political Agreement
political rally

Politically powerful?

Politician? Media? Administrator?

Power is not actually power unless it resolves needs. Otherwise it's just coercive force. Join us in resolving the needs you impact, and the needs impacting you.

Join us in transcending petty divisive politics.

Together, we responsibly address the impacted needs on all sides. We dare replace divisive politics with love.

With the Harmony Politics tool, we unpack each  side's needs behind each issue. Then we assert the higher authority of need responsiveness over petty political selfish power struggles.

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Judicial elites too easily divide us.


Which do you think is more likely?

Anyone convicted of a crime will of course deny responsibility by claiming to be innocent.


Only about 15% of those convicted of a crime claim to be actually innocent, and typically are.


If willing to take courage to test the latter, then let’s begin.

2. Wrongly convicted?

Wrongly convicted?

And exoneration remains elusive?

Are you among the millions disillusioned with the adversarial judicial system? Why trust a hostile process slow to admit and correct its own harmful errors or admit its conflicts of interest?


Join us in transcending adversarial justice.

Together, we responsibly address the impacted needs on all sides. We dare replace adversarial justice with love.

With the Innocence Validity tool, we calculate the validity of your innocence claim. Then we assert the higher authority of need responsiveness over the court's selfish conflict of interest.

Judge's Table

Judicially powerful?

Judge? Prosecutor? Lawyer?

Power is not actually power unless it resolves needs. Otherwise it's just coercive force. Join us in resolving the needs you impact, and the needs impacting you.

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Divisivism, at best, eases some pain.

It cannot resolve our needs.


Which do you think is more likely?

We need to work harder and smarter to

address our overlooked needs

with the same generalizing approaches.


We need a whole new way to understand and

address our overlooked specific needs.


Anankelogy is the new social science for understanding needs. 

Need-response applies this fresh understanding to your needs.

power relations
AI to RI
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Divisivism will not correct itself, so we will

Alone, you are powerless to divisive institutions like politics and the judiciary. Together, with need-response, we assert your right and responsibility to resolve your affected needs. Then hold others accountable to support your liberty.

"There is no greater authority under heaven than resolved needs."

Need-response steps outside of the divisivism of political polarization and outside the divisivism of the adversarial judiciary to address your affected needs. With need-response, we either can complement these institutions or compete with them.

“Power is not actually power unless it resolves needs. Otherwise it is just coercive force.”

Value Relating is a pioneering service to bridge the powerless and the powerful. Both sides work together using our Impact Parity Model to resolve needs.

Steph Turner

No one has authority over your needs. What you need does not submit to authority

Those in authority cannot read minds. They're busy reporting to a higher authority.

Power isn't really power unless it resolves needs. Otherwise it's just coercive force.

And there is no such thing as pain apart from unresolved needs.

Fully resolving power-impacted needs on both sides fully removes its pain.

And raises us all up to more of our full potential.

How? By one mutually loving step at a time. Ready to spread some love?

solving problems by resolving needs
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removing pain by resolving needs

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