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3 intake form options

Innocence claim form

DIY completely

Innocence claim form

Start & then ask

Innocence claim form

Start supported

Start on your own and finish it without our help. FREE to you. But your “opportunity costs” may prove costly.

Start on your own, then request our support if you find this too tiring to continue on your own. We’re here to help you make this easier.

Instead of trying to fill out this form on you own, first contact us to guide you through this process. It’s painful enough to dig up this stuff and pick at old wounds. Why not let us make it easier for you?

Innocence Claim

Welcome to an opportunity to assert your innocence

We trust you are here because you know you are criminally innocent of a conviction and seek meaningful support to convince others. 

  • You could hire a lawyer but cannot afford one, especially if the wrongful conviction destroyed your income potential.

  • You could contact an innocence project or already have, and find they are busy working on other cases.

  • You could petition the court directly, but you may find their "firewall" is better than any on your computer.

You know what all these options have in common? Not one will respect your individual specific needs. We do. Because at Value Relating, we solve problems by resolving needs. Including your specific needs overlooked, or perhaps made worse, by the adversarial legal system.

Let's start with your need for others to understand you and your situation. Along with your need not to be exploited, or have your most intimate details used against you as the adversarial judicial system has done. 

Getting personal, keeping it personal

To serve you, we need to ask you some personal questions. Knowing these details helps optimize our services to best fit your specific situation and needs. If agreeing to receive our support, we will enter into a service agreement that addresses  your specific process needs. 

Your information is secure with us. We are bound by ethics and law (HIPAA) to protect the privacy of your health related information. Once collected, your PHI collect here gets stored on a stand alone external hard drive never connected to the Internet.

Going social, going "psychosocial"

This is standard stuff in psychotherapy. Of course, this isn't psychotherapy, this is psychosociotherapy. In psychosociotherapy, we start at the foundation of you—your internal psychological makeup and such. We will use it to "go psychosocial" to help you confront your social situations.

In contrast to psychotherapy, this form asks you plenty of social stuff. For example, who you can rely on during a crisis, and how reliable family and others are to you.

Review form


Before you start, feel free to browse through the sections. These are  the 14 pages of the full form. Each line listed is an active link to that section.

  1. Claimant & proxy information

  2. Case information

  3. Documentation for verification

  4. Common factors in wrongful convictions

  5. Evidentiary factors

  6. Investigative factors

  7. Complicating factors

  8. Claimant's demonstrated innocence

  9. Claimant's recognized innocence

  10. Process

  11. Requests & responses for help

  12. Collateral consequences impacting claimant

  13. Claimant narrative

  14. Claim support


You can check now if you have the requested information available, or if it even applies.

Fill out form


Answer as many as you can that apply. Be sure to click the Submit button after finishing each segment. Clicking the last Submit button on a page takes you to the next page.

Check your email

Once completed you are to receive an email confirmation. Please allow us time to process your information.

The information you supply will generate a report that calculates the reliability of your innocence claim, compared to similar cases already exonerated. Currently, this process is performed manually, using a spreadsheet. Once developed, this is to occur automatically here.

Claim support


If entering into service with us, we will go over your responses and fill out any missing pieces. The more you provide here the less costly for everyone.


If doing it yourself without our support, may you find the support you need. We're here to turn an established claim into a supported claim. And then turn a supported claim into an asserted claim widely supported.


Either way you go, let your journey come alive!

Intake form instructions

Or go over some tips below, and then start when ready. Mouseover each colored section to see specific tips for each section. 

See your transformative course right here

Claimant & proxy

If the claimant is incarcerated or somewhere without Internet access, the proxy fills out the form on their behalf.

Claimant and proxy

Case information

Here is where we collect the specific details behind your wrongful conviction. We need to put your claim into this context.

Case information

Documentation for verification

Here is where you provide some way to help others verify your claims. Usually with a URL (or URLs) to your case online.

Documentation for verification

Common factors in wrongful convictions

Here is where you start establishing your innocence by comparing it to similar cases already exonerated. These six items have been established by the Innocence Project as common factors in wrongful convictions.

Common factors in wrongful convictions

Mouse-over this area to see the tooltip for most items.

Evidentiary factors

These six items also increase the likelihood of a wrongful conviction.

Evidentiary factors in wrongful convictions

Investigative factors

These six items cite common police investigations problems, including two by Judges for Justice.

Investigative factors in wrongful convictions

These six items tend to compound other factors, increasing likelihood of a wrongful conviction.

Complicating factors in wrongful convictions

Complicating factors
Claimant's demonstrated innocence

These seven items contrast claimant’s behavior against those with actual guilt.

Claimant's demonstrated innocence

Claimant's recognized innocence

These seven items provide independent recognition of claimant’s actual innocence.

Claimant's innocence recognized by others


These six process items may improve our estimation of a likely wrongful conviction.


Provide names (and email addresses if available) for attempts to get legal assistance.

Requests and responses for help

Background checks that privilege discrimination with these specific items.

Collateral consequences impacting claimant

Yes, I could
use some help
with this




If doing this yourself and find you could use some support, reach out and ask. Start with this email request. If needed, we can support by texting and even by chat. As long as you get what you specifically need.

Phone Icon
Request & responses for help
Collateral consequences impacting claimant
Claimant narrative

Here is where the claimant puts in their own words what they claim happened, providing helpful context for the wrongful conviction. This appears in what others see first, so give it your best.  

Claimant narrative

Claim support

This section wraps up the form. The remainder is for helping you, the claimant (and proxy), to find the support you need to overcome this injustice. Keep going, you're almost there!

Claim support

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