Value Politics
Conventional political consulting supports only one side. Not us.
Instead of oppo research or other such consulting services...
Value Politics
Conventional political consulting supports only one side. Not us.
Instead of oppo research or other such consulting services, we help you rise high above polarization to address each other’s overgeneralized needs.
You may find competitive advantage others don’t even realize they are lacking.
Value Relating exists beyond the Left-Right political divide. Even beyond the elite-populist divide. We bore down to the needs that give rise to politics.
Equipped with anankelogy, we understand politics better than anyone. But don’t my word for it. Check us out and hold us accountable.
Value Justice
Conventional judicial consulting helps you argue a case. Not us.
Instead of expert testimony or other such consulting services, we help you rise high above adversarial sides to address each other’s affected needs.
You may find competitive advantage others don’t even realize they are lacking.
Value Relating exists beyond the accuser-accused paradigm. Even beyond the prosecutor-defense divide. We bore down to the justice needs themselves.
Equipped with anankelogy, we understand justice needs in a profound new way. But don’t take my word for it. Check us out and hold us accountable.
Value Justice
Conventional judicial consulting helps you argue a case. Not us.
Instead of expert testimony or other such consulting services...
Value Seniors
Conventional eldercare consulting starts with public care. Not us.
Instead of starting with public resources in the community...
Value Seniors
Conventional eldercare consulting starts with public resources. Not us.
Instead of starting with public strengthen your family ties to turn this challenging phase into one of deep connection.
You may find deeper family bonds you likely didn’t even realize were missing.
Value Relating exists beyond the alienating norms of modern society, beyond impersonal care. We bore down to the needs of both the senior and the family.
Equipped with anankelogy, we see ways to keep aging families closely connected. But don’t my word for it. Check us out and hold us accountable.
Applied anankelogy
Your needs require a new approach. Mouse over to see the full description. Then decide if our unique approach is a good fit for you.
Which do you think is more likely?
You explore all available options then rationally choose what’s best for you.
You guard your vulnerable needs under a cloak of reasonable sounding arguments.
Your political needs hang in the balance. Let’s apply anankelogy to your political needs.
You decide each action before doing anything that could hurt anyone.
You automatically react to needs, and the more hurt you are then the more likely you hurt others.
Your justice needs hang in the balance. Let’s apply anankelogy to your justice needs.
Anankelogy, the study of need, subdivides into three areas:
Academic anankelogy: the disciplined study of need.
Applied anankelogy: the practical understanding of needs.
Accessible anankelogy: in everyday plain language.
Value Relating applies anankelogy to resolve needs, your needs. Public institutions often aim lower, at merely easing your needs or relieving your pain.
Partisan politics lets you avoid the pain of your unresolved public facing needs.
Adversarial justice lets you avoid the pain of interpersonal violence.
Eldercare systems lets you avoid the pain of caring for less functional seniors.
We rarely resolve our needs when busy avoiding its pain.
There is no such thing as pain apart from unresolved needs. Pain exist to warn of perceived threats. Removing the threat removes the pain, leaving nothing left to report after the threat gets fully removed.
So we generalize how others make irrational choices. We remain alienated from others expect to be law abiding individuals. We rely on public institutions to fight each other on our behalf.
The more we try to avoid our pain,
the more pain chases us into a corner.
Pain in the form of fear, guilt, anger and depression only exist to warn of perceived trouble. The pain persists until sensing trouble sufficiently removed. Shooting the messenger rarely removes the threat.
A vicious cycle traps us in pain.
The more we avoid pain,
the more our problems persist.
Anankelogy can help us understand our failure to resolve our needs, starting with our excessive tendencies.
Established norms for politics and justice (along with other social institutions) present three excessive tendencies, impeding full resolution of needs in ways fueling our many problems.
Too much generalizing.
Too much alienation.
Too much infighting.
Too much generalizing that overlooks specifics.
Generalizing lets us forge agreements and also provides some relief from the pain of unmet needs. Consequently, we think we know each other’s needs enough to respect them, while actually complicit in keeping each other’s needs painfully unresolved.
We cannot solve our specific problems at the level of generalizing that created them.
The more you generalize, the less responsive you are to specific needs.
The fewer of your needs fully resolve, the more pain you naturally suffer.
The more pain you naturally suffer, the more you generalize for relief.
The less responsive to specific needs, the fewer of your needs fully resolve.
The less you generalize, the more responsive you can be to specific needs.
The more of your needs fully resolve, the less pain you naturally suffer.
The less pain you naturally suffer, the less you generalize for relief.
The more responsive to specific needs, the more of your needs fully resolve.
Value Relating shifts from excessive norms of alienation to actually engaging how we impact each other’s needs.
OLD: normative NEW: relational knowing
Too much alienation perpetuated by divisive norms.
Categorical norms let us each enjoy our private spaces. We don’t know each other’s nuanced needs, so we rely on impersonal norms to sort it out. We defer to law enforcement instead of personally engaging each other’s impacted needs.
While no one sits above the law, no law sits above the needs it exists to serve.
The less you know others, the more you rely on laws.
The less you
engage others, the more you alienate others.
The more you alienate others, the less you know others.
The more you rely on laws, the less you
engage others.
The more you know others, the less you
rely on laws.
The more you engage others, the less you alienate others.
The less you alienate others, the more you know others.
The less you
rely on laws, the more you engage others.
Value Relating shifts from excessive norms of alienation to actually engaging how we impact each other’s needs.
OLD: normative alienation NEW: impact engaging
Too much fighting against each other's needs.
Opposition has its place, when others or ourselves are clearly in the wrong. But we often struggle in vain against each other’s needs. We cannot change our needs to fit other’s expectations, or our own. Besides, we rarely resolve needs while defensive.
Opposing what another needs does not extinguish moral conflict, but enflames it.
The more you amplify their differences, the more you see their errors as typical.
The more guarded toward them, the more defensive they get toward you.
The more defensive they get toward you, the more you amplify their differences.
The more you see their errors as typical, the more guarded you get toward them.
The less you amplify their differences, the less you see their errors as typical.
The less you see their errors as typical, the less you get defensive toward them.
The less guarded you get toward them, the less defensive they get toward you.
The less defensive toward you, the less you amplify their differences.
Value Relating shifts from mutually defensive infighting to mutually valuing each other’s impacted needs.
OLD: mutual hostilities NEW: value framing
A new model making the old model obsolete.
In each of our unique services, we help you befriend your pain, to stop avoiding this natural messenger of trouble warning us with displeasing alarm, to ensure your pain works for you instead of you compelled to work for it. We do this in three key ways:
Replace generalizing with relevant specifics.
Replace alienation by engaging each other’s impacted needs.
Replace fighting with competitive resolution of each other’s needs.
Value Relating offers to replace the fail OLD model with a NEW model. To relate where others still generalize. To engaging where others stay alienated. To value where others remain hostile.
Value Relating applies this specifically to your political needs and justice needs.
Divisive politics kept too general
The political convention of partisan sides is basically FAKE:
Freely And Knowingly Exaggerated
Divisive politics tends to exaggerate humans as objects of right and wrong. In reality, the needs on both sides painfully persist no matter who wins the most votes.
Instead of generalized beliefs, why not relate to each other’s specific politicized needs?
Kept too politically far apart
Liberals and conservatives experience a different priority of needs. This doesn’t make one inherently right or wrong, but thinking so is wrong when hindering the resolution of each side’s politicized needs. FAKE politics undermines the legitimacy of divisive politics.
Instead of political norms reinforcing alienation, why not engage how we impact each other? To resolve political needs, instead of merely easing their pain.
Kept tied in political conflict
Opposing political sides can serve as a stepping stone toward resolving each other’s clashing needs, when impact remains minimal to the other side. Taken to exaggerated and guarded extremes, divisive politics slips into a stumbling block that prevents the resolution of each other’s politicized needs. Privileged dysfunction unfolds, for which this “transspirit” can have no part.
Instead of pitting ourselves against each other in partisan camps, why not insist each side fully and responsibly resolves their needs?
Politics make better windows than doors.
To peer inside, but enter only with specifics.
Adversarial justice kept too general
The judicial convention of adversarial sides is basically FAKE:
Freely And Knowingly Exaggerated
Adversarial justice tends to exaggerate humans as objects of right and wrong. In reality, the needs on both sides painfully persist no matter who wins in a court battle.
Instead of generalized beliefs, why not relate to each other’s specific justice needs?
Kept too judicially far apart
The accused and accuser experience a different set of needs. While an offender is wrong for violating a victim, hindering them from resolving needs risks perpetuating that violence. FAKE justice undermines the legitimacy of adversarial justice.
Instead of judicial norms reinforcing alienation, why not engage how we impact each other? To resolve justice needs, instead of merely easing their pain.
Kept tied in judicial conflict
Opposing judicial sides can serve as a stepping stone to hold the offender responsible, to resolve their needs nonviolently. Taken to exaggerated and guarded extremes, adversarial justice slips into a stumbling block when preventing the resolution of the needs giving rise to violence. Privileged dysfunction unfolds, for which this “transspirit” can have no part.
Instead of pitting ourselves against each other in self-righteous sides, why not insist each side fully and responsibly resolves their needs?
There's more to justice than citing misdeeds There can be no justice without resolving needs.
Thanks to anankelogy, I suffer no incapacitatng trauma from the wrongful conviction.
content wtih little
have not pressing needs
process pain promptly
loving family
Transspirit and anakelogizer
A transspirit is someone spiritually compelled to transcend divisive sides for deeper connection. And anankelogy refers to one who resolves needs (as opposed to easing needs) as an anakelogizer. To coin a phrase, I am an anakelogizing transspirit. (Add those to your spellchecker dictionary).
I count myself as both. I am spiritually compelled to transcend divisiveness, to prioritize full resolution of needs.
Nature compels me to transcend the dysfunctional divisiveness of political and judicial norms. Nature compels me to connect with the essence on both sides. Nature compels me to attend to the needs of both sides, to prioritize resolving needs over the temporary relief of pain from such exaggerating.
I find myself in good historical company. Dr. King, Gandhi, Ibn Kaldun, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Apostle Paul, and many more.
As the Apostle Paul spoke of being constrained by love, I am compelled by love to transcend these divisive norms.
I am compelled by love to shift quickly from generalizing, to the specifics for addressing the nuance necessary to resolve painful needs.
I am compelled by love to move beyond the norms of alienation, to connect more deeply with each other to resolve their needs.
I am compelled to go beyond mere relief of opposing others who seem to cause the pain, to resolve the needs behind all that pain.
As the Apostle Paul was a duel citizen, I am a duel citizen.
As Gandhi reportedly declared, "I will not pay a hundred rupees" and instead will risk sitting in jail at the government's expense. I did so before and, like Chelsea Manning, I can do it again.
Need-experience orientations
Does what apply to me apply the same to you? Or must it?
Relational orientation: general or specific
We generally generalize too much.
Avoiding specifics leave us out of touch.
Too much generalizing leaves us blind.
Specific examples now escape my mind.
Is pain bad and best avoided? Or do we just tell ourselves that?
Easement orientation: easy-then-hard or hard-then-easy
Relative deprivation versus grounded contentment (anchored in resolving needs so as not to desire more than what one requires)
I don’t want to buy all that trash.
I enjoy more contentment than you.
I don’t require a lot of cash.
My bill collectors do.
Do laws help us resolve our needs? Or do we just believe that?
Convention orientation: conformity to nonconformity
When eager to make a legal fight,
you're bound to make a fatal flaw.
Two wrongs don't make a right,
but sometimes they make a law.
Value Relating applies our new need-resolving model in 3 areas:
Post-polarizing political consulting, we call Value Politics.
Post-adversarial justice consulting, we call Value Justice.
Post-alienating eldercare consulting, we call Value Seniors.
Value Relating utilizes anankelogy, coined by Value Relating founder, Steph Turner. Anankelogy is the study of need. Politics, justice and services all exist to serve needs. Isn’t it time we better understood the experience of needs themselves? Welcome to consulting that deeply understands your needs.
Let Value Relating Consulting serve your deeper needs. We know how to resolve needs to
remove pain, to
solve stubborn problems, to
turn mere surviving into vibrant thriving.
Our “secret sauce” of applied anankelogy, with its explanation of “need-experience orientations,” provide us three vital tools to help resolve your needs.
relational orientation: instead of oriented to relate at the level of generalizing for relief, we re-orient you to relate to specifics to resolve needs, which then removes the pain these generalizations generally avoid.
We cannot solve our specific problems at the level of generalizing that created them.
easement orientation: instead of oriented to ease pain that lets pain persist, we re-orient you to endure adversity long enough to resolve needs to remove that pain and thrive.
Choose the easy path and life gets hard, but choose the hard path and life gets easy.
convention orientation: instead of oriented to follow divisive norms of opposing sides for relief, we re-orient you to transcend divisive norms to connect both sides for resolving each side’s needs.
In a world filled with many alienating divisive norms, fitting can be painfully overrated.
divisive politics
Value Politics
rely on opposing generalizations for easing pain of needs vulnerable to shared or public resources
resolving specific needs on all sides to remove pain that seeks generalizations for relief, stopping this vicious cycle
winner in political battle gets public resources to serve their needs, loser must settle for less
both sides win when their needs can resolve, including meaningfully giving others a turn at public resources
liberals & conservatives are always at odds, reasoned arguments and ballot box mediates differences
needs of both Left & Right linked to differing priority of needs, best sorted by direct communication of needs
adversarial justice
Value Justice
generalizing accusers & accused with specifics-avoided beliefs based on self-serving legal reasoning
resolving specific needs on all sides to remove pain that seeks generalizations for relief, stopping this vicious cycle
winner in court battle offered relief, loser stuck with pain, unresolved needs cycles more pain for both
both sides win when their needs can resolve, and meaningfully curb acts of interpersonal violence & dysfunction
accused & accuser must be kept apart, mediated by priesthood of judicial officials to preserve state’s order
needs of both accused & accused must be addressed, state legitimacy linked to how resolved are such needs
impersonal eldercare
Value Seniors
generalizing about aging seniors with less personal time to honestly relate to their specific needs & own needs
resolving specific needs on all sides to remove pain that seeks generalizations for relief, stopping this vicious cycle
entrusting seniors who lose capacity for self-sufficiency to professional services to make it easier on family
both senior & loved ones find best options for staying connected and meaningfully helping each other
senior care delegated to professional others so adult children can get on with their professional lives
“profession” of family prioritized over alienating norms that prematurely end meaningful existence of all
"Authority without need-resolving legitimacy slips easily into tyranny."
Legitimacy of authority
Assertion: Authority minus need-resolving legitimacy equals tyranny.
Contra: Authority that doesn't aim for need-resolving maintains sufficient democratic accountability to be legitimate. What does that look like?
Perhaps you can argue sufficient authority exists by law and judicial outcomes, that these are necessary for the social order of a functioning society.
"we are a nation of laws"
we are a people of needs
If not tyranny, then lacking the level of legitimacy as those already fully resolving the needs laws exist to serve.
"By what authority do you do such and such?" is what I call a flypaper question. If your knee-jerk response cites some law, then you have fallen into my rhetorical trap. [STTP-LA]
scientifically-based authority
While good science provides reliable answers, great science inspires better questions to ask and test.
return to dynamism of our primary society roots, wise elders with a mature relational orientation, mature easement orientation
Accessible anankelogy gives you relational knowing, accountable to the more rigorous hypothesis testing of applied anankelogy, which is kept accountable to the disciplined research of academic anankelogy.
dynamism, drift, deviation, departure
What may seem like extortion is actually countering what anankelogy cites as structural exaction.
Psychosocial balance-imbalance
Focus on social-needs increase as focus on self-needs decrease
Focus on self-needs increase as focus on social-needs decrease
Focus on social-needs like belonging, affection, companionship, unity
Focus on self-needs like autonomy, personal space, self-initiative, self-worth
"Nature is the true power, creating the power of our needs. "
Functionality array
– prioritizing need resolving
– prioritizing need relieving
– prioritizing pain relieving
– prioritizing survival
Value Relating will need someone like you who has read and internalized this material.
Available courses
Is anankelogy coursework available at a school near you? No, not yet. Before springing it on academia, I am first introducing it here to you. Enroll in the first course while it is still free.
Anankelogy 101 covers the content in these pages. Unlike my earlier course at Udemy on defusing political polarization, once a week you get to personally engage me with others to explore this material further.
Anankelogy 102 applies anankelogy to divisive politics and adversarial justice. You can get a taste of this at our Applied anankelogy section. This course also provides a deep dive into psychosociotherapy and the psychosociotherapeutic process. Again, we meet weekly online.
Anankelogy 103 invites you to apply anankelogy to your own area of concern. This course is part group and part one-on-one with me. The first part puts you into the passenger seat, as a client receiving power relations psychosociotherapy for your area of concern. The second half puts you into the driver seat as the psychosociotherapist.
Anankelogy 104 has you launch your own independent responsive to an area of your passionate concern. I monitor your development as a psychosociotherapist. I transition you to taking on your first clients.
Anankelogy 201 scraps the nature-based assumptions to start anew. You learn to craft testable need-related hypotheses from scratch. Or from a complementary if not competing paradigm. Consider this as an elective for those seeking to expand this new social science.
We need you
Once this service takes off, Value Relating will need someone like you who has read and internalized this material. Someone ready, willing and able to prioritize resolving needs over the commonplace practice of easing pain to let the unmet need provoke more pain and dysfunction.
The first course introduces you to the basic concepts of nature-based anankelogy. The course will cover the material outlined below. And covered in more detail in the following pages.
As I write this, I have yet to create the course. If you have any inkling of resolving needs, to remove its pain, and restore our lives to its full potential, then enroll in this free course when enrollment opens. While slots are available. The course is offered free, but I don’t know for how long.
whose needs persist painfully unmet, giving rise to populism
whose needs persist painfully unmet, expressing violence the violence endured
"Opposing what another needs does not extinguish moral conflict, but enflames it."
Misfunctional psychosocial cycle
Intense guilt from illicit easing of self-needs shifts focus to unmet social-needs
Severe depression shifts shallow focus on social-needs to unmet self-needs
Outbursts of rage undercut any resolution of self-
or social-needs
Repressed anxiety undercuts any resolution of social- or self-needs
As I learned from my elders, what applies to the individual aptly applies to groups of people, to whole organizations.
"Violence is weakness turned outward. Resilience is strength turned inward."
How much is a result of own poor choices
and how much is a consequence of structural exaction and other socio-environmental factors beyond one's individual control
not mutually exclusive
applies equally to those in power as targets of adversarial justice
incompetence of psychosocial reduction,
Full function array
apex peakfunctionality: promptly resolving needs to optimize own life in ways optimizing the resolving of other’s needs for them to live optimally; love.
mid peakfunctionality: promptly resolving needs to optimize own life in ways potentially positively impactful upon the needs of others.
least peakfunctionality: promptly resolving needs to optimize own life in ways not negatively impactful upon the needs of others.
Refunction: resolve needs to restore full function capacity.
Defunction: diminished resolution of needs, less function capacity.
dynamism: proactively accessing resource to fully resolve need.
drift: slide from resolving need to easing need to pragmatically function with others.
threshold symfunctionality: arbitrary actions done humanly together that contribute to easing human needs without hindering other human needs; e.g., driving on the right side of the road in the U.S.
mid symfunctionality: arbitrary actions done humanly together that contribute to easing human needs with some hindrance to other human needs; e.g., ordering a subordinate to serve a customer.
worst symfunctionality: arbitrary actions done humanly together that contribute to easing human needs mostly by stalling resolution of such needs; e.g., systemic exaction. Gateway to dysfunctionality.
deviate: shift from easing need to only relieving its pain.
threshold dysfunctionality: unresolved needs start prioritizing relief that risks impeding resolution of such needs, or limiting resolution of other needs.
mid dysfunctionality: unresolved needs prioritizes pain relief indefinitely over resolving one’s own needs, while maintaining no significant negative impact on the needs of others.
worst dysfunctionality: unresolved needs prioritizes pain relief over resolving anyone’s needs, resulting in significant negative impacts on the needs of others.
depart: sink into survival mode with debilitating pain of unmet need.
threshold misfunctionality: unresolved needs results in temporary damage of oneself, with likely negative impacts on others.
mid misfunctionality: unresolved needs results in long-term or permanent damage, lowering ability to function.
worst misfunctionality: unresolved needs results in imminent or immediate death, termination of all functioning.
Anakelogical critique of "power"
Anankelogy recognizes an array of critiquing problems
Anakelogical low critique (ALC): Ascribe problems as the fault of others of similar social status. ALC can also be directed inward, as when you fault yourself for poor decisions harming others--whether
rugged individualism
Anakelogical mid critique (AMC): Ascribe problems as the fault of those with more control of resources, such as elites. Populism is a form of AMC. The way Jesus lambasted the religious leaders of his day (Matt. 23) serves as a an AMC model for speaking truth to power. Whistleblowers calling out senior officials for wrongdoing is also a type of AMC.
Anakelogical high critique (AHC): Ascribe problems as the fault of systemic norms such as social structures that evolved to slowly replace resolving needs with divisive norms for easing the pain of such needs kept from fully resolving.
Emile Durkheim called social facts, which exist independent of individuals.
Your power-neutralizing orientations
Anankelogy recognizes an array of vertical need-experience orientations. Vertical in that these span from poor outcomes to excellent outcomes.
Your relational orientation (RO): You either routinely rely on generalizations to ease painful needs or delve into specifics to resolve those needs, perhaps somewhere in between. For example,
You can either trust political generalizations to hold true, or move beyond them to relate to specifics that politics routinely gloss over.
You can either trust judicial generalizations to hold true, or move beyond them to relate to specific needs of both abusers and abused alike.
Your easement orientation (EO): You either favor the easier way out first then later endure hard consequences or you embrace difficulties upfront and later enjoy lasting contentment, perhaps a little of both. For example,
You can either take the easy way out when feeling the other political side must always be wrong, or endure the bad in us all while seeing the good in one another for satisfactory connection.
You can either take the easy way out when feeling that abusers are only bad and abused as obviously innocent, or endure the ambiguities often involved in violent acts to solve sources of violence.
Your convention orientation (CO): You either accept divisive categories as given or you move beyond them at the risk being a misfit in order to address details overlooked by popular yet oversimplifying conventional categories. For example,
You can either believe all political centrists are corporatists threatening democracy, or you can move beyond stereotypes to appreciate nuance within each individual voter of any political view.
You can either believe anyone arrested is a self-righteous criminal in irresponsible denial, or you can move beyond stereotypes to see how easy bias sets in once stopped by law enforcement.
You understandably sit somewhere between the two
Value Relating consulting services
pitch consulting support
Power embracing your truth of impacted needs
When speaking to power—or to anyone with whom you have conflict—you do not oppose them directly. Instead, you oppose their state of unresolved needs.
Your true foe is unresolved needs. Not people.
The more their needs resolve, the easier for them to be responsive to your needs they impact. The less their needs resolve, the harder for them to be as responsive to your needs they impact.
By switching from the conventional direct approach, of fighting the person, to supporting resolution of their (and your) needs, you
avoid needlessly provoking their defensiveness, keeping the dialogue going constructively,
illuminate their likely blind spots in a gracious way you hope others would illuminate your blind spots,
help identify their room for improvement so they can better serve others of similar situation,
pleasantly surprise them with your proactive concern for their needs by not insisting they first pay attention to your impacted needs, and you
inspire them with a conciliatory approach that can meaningfully replace the pain of anger, anxiety, guilt, and more…with much needed love.
Each of these Speak-Truth-to-Power tools models this conciliatory approach of mutual responsiveness to the needs impacted in the relationship. We rarely resolve our needs while busy avoiding its pain, or shifting it onto others.
Pain is not what's so bad. But the threats that pain reports. The more we cooperate to resolve each other's publicly impacted needs, the more we can remove the cause of our pain. No one's needs are more important than the needs of others. All needs sit equal before nature.
Use these tools to assert the resolution of needs on all sides. Power that doesn’t resolve needs is not really power, but just coercive force. With these tools helping you grow love, show the powerful how it’s done.
In that moment, you become the leader. You are the model for them to replicate. You become the power.
Use it wisely. We are all watching. So let’s spread the love.
structural exaction
Any "power" daring to reject this value
After you follow these need-resolving principles and those negatively impacting your need persists with their status quo, you draw out their incompetency. Others take notice. Your love-centered stance attracts growing support.
Your bold act creates an opening for others of means to step in and be more responsive to your power-impacted needs.
As Gandhi reportedly declared, "I will not pay a hundred rupees" and instead will risk sitting in jail at the government's expense. I did so before and, like Chelsea Manning, I can do it again. Even now, I refuse to comply with the illicit sex offender registry law that requires me, a demisexual trans person, to register for life to protect past transphobia, past sex abuse hysteria, past rejectiong of need-resolving transcendence of sacrosanct divisive norms.
As depicted in the 1976 movie Network,
Are you ready to speak truth to power? Unlike the fictional Beale of Network, you will have answers. With us, you will be well-equipped with anankelogical tools. You will be firmly supported to assert the liberty to resolve needs. Both the right and responsibility to fully resolve power-impacted needs.
Levels of anankelogical critique
Low critique: fault others of equal or less social power.
Mid critique: fault problems on others with more social power than oneself.
High critique: fault problems in sociocultural structures largely out of one's personal or organizational control.
Each level has its place. However, we tend to fault individuals for structural barriers, preventing full resolution of needs.
Levels of anankelogical critique
Low critique: fault others of equal or less social power.
Mid critique: fault problems on others with more social power than oneself.
High critique: fault problems in sociocultural structures largely out of one's personal or organizational control.
Each level has its place. However, we tend to fault individuals for structural barriers, preventing full resolution of needs.
Which do you prefer?
law enforcement
psychological: emphasis on individual without context (medical model)
psychotherapy: change the individual
needlessly stigmatizing
reason-based, impersonal
ease need, relieve pain
power relating
mutual blaming, win-lose
pathology as internal disease
rational choice, game theory
stay guarded, avoid vulnerability
relieving symptoms to cope with pain
pain avoided as something bad, allowing threats to persist
pain devalued as hated part of nature, to repress and ignore
adjust to pain of unmet needs
seek order by enforcing norms
problems attributed to disorders
solutions based on generalizations: vulnerable specifics avoided
likely result in symfunctionality
psychosocial: both individual and sociocultural context (holistic outlook)
psychosociotherapy: change relationships
no stigma
nature-based, engaging
resolve need, remove pain
equalize relating
mutual responsibility, win-win
misfunction as shared failure
emotions convey needs to resolve
engage each other, mutually vulnerable
remove pain by resolving its needs
pain processed as something good, to resolve reported needs
pain valued as messengers of threat, to remove the threats
resolve needs to thrive in life
seek function by resolving needs
problems attributed to defunctions
solutions based on refunction: resolve unresolved painful needs
potentially result in peakfunctionality
with its own unique vocabulary, bringing to light the nuance affecting your needs
Your power-neutralizing orientations
Anankelogy recognizes an array of vertical need-experience orientations. Vertical in that these span from poor outcomes to excellent outcomes.
Your relational orientation (RO): You either routinely rely on generalizations to ease painful needs or delve into specifics to resolve those needs, perhaps somewhere in between. For example,
You can either trust political generalizations to hold true, or move beyond them to relate to specifics that politics routinely gloss over.
You can either trust judicial generalizations to hold true, or move beyond them to relate to specific needs of both abusers and abused alike.
Your easement orientation (EO): You either favor the easier way out first then later endure hard consequences or you embrace difficulties upfront and later enjoy lasting contentment, perhaps a little of both. For example,
You can either take the easy way out when feeling the other political side must always be wrong, or endure the bad in us all while seeing the good in one another for satisfactory connection.
You can either take the easy way out when feeling that abusers are only bad and abused as obviously innocent, or endure the ambiguities often involved in violent acts to solve sources of violence.
Your convention orientation (CO): You either accept divisive categories as given or you move beyond them at the risk being a misfit in order to address details overlooked by popular yet oversimplifying conventional categories. For example,
You can either believe all political centrists are corporatists threatening democracy, or you can move beyond stereotypes to appreciate nuance within each individual voter of any political view.
You can either believe anyone arrested is a self-righteous criminal in irresponsible denial, or you can move beyond stereotypes to see how easy bias sets in once stopped by law enforcement.
You understandably sit somewhere between the two. Value Relating exists to bridge the gap. Anankelogy suggests there are many more ways we are oriented to experience what we experience because the way we particularly experience our needs. Can you think of some common experience shaped by how we experience needs differently?
You have here only a sampling of how anankelogy can apply to your needs.
Contact me for how to delve deeper into applying anankelogy to your specific needs.
Book a session to explore how any of these tools can serve you.