Engaging the originator of anankelogy
Thank you for your interest in anankelogy, the study of need.
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Here is where you can ask Steph Turner, the originator or anankelogy, any question or concern you have about this new field. Perhaps you found some spelling or grammatical errors, or wording that sounded too confusing. Or repoert a problem with the website. Perhaps you have some concern about exploitation of indigenous cultural wisdom. Perhaps you seek to interview me, or need me to speak to your group personally about this new way of understanding our many needs. Please use the Contact form below to connect with me.
Here is where you can provide your testimonial for what anankelogy is doing for you, and see it posted right here. Perhaps an insight relieved your depression. Perhaps you found something normalizing your fears. Perhaps you can relate to yourself better, and to others. Please share your experience in the Testimonials tool below. Thank you.
Pronunciation guide
anankelogy [n.] (ä'-nä-kĕ'-lŏ-jē): the study of need, specifically here the human experience of need.
anankelogical [adj.] (ä'-nä-kĕ-lŏ'-jĭ'-kâl): of, relating to, or characteristic of anankelogy; referring to the role of need in another subject.
anankelogist [n.] (ä'-nä-kĕ'-lŏ-jĭst): one who studies the role of need in observable phenomenon.
anankelogically [adv.] (ä'-nä-kĕ-lŏ'-jĭ-kâ-lē'): referring to the role of need on some action. E.g., Political views tend to be less rationally deduced and more anankelogically produced.
anakelogic [adj.] (ä'-nä-kĕ-lŏ'-jĭk): same as anankelogical.
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You NEED This (eCourse)

Daily readings.
Interactive exercises.
Weekly exchange with me, the founder of anankelogy.
Potential to join us, earning an income resolving needs.
Anankelogy 101
You NEED This. In three [90-minute sessions in three weeks,] I go over these eight units with you and others in an online group setting. You review the material here to prepare for our online gathering. After highlighting the material, I spend most of our time together doing a Q&A.
Maximum enrollment: 40. Current fee to enroll in Anankelogy 101: $0.
We NEED You. We seek those with sufficient talent and passion to expand our psychosociotherapeutic offerings. After taking this free course, I will encourage many if not all of you to continue through the paid coursework. To invest in yourself as a future psychosociotherapist, or power broker, or consultant. What’s in a name?