Power admission
Power isn't really power unless it resolves needs. Otherwise it's just coercive force.
Service contract tailored to our specific situation
Power admissions
impact parity model - structural exaction - conventional opposition locks us i imbalance
Admitting we tend to generalize too much.
RK: The less you personally know someone, the more you rely on the impersonal norms of written and unwritten laws. The more others rely on laws to respect your specific needs, the less they get to know you and your specific needs, sometimes with dire consequences.
RK: The less you personally know someone, the more you rely on the impersonal norms of written and unwritten laws. The more others rely on laws to respect your specific needs, the less they get to know you and your specific needs, sometimes with dire consequences.
The less you personally know someone, the more you rely on the impersonal norms of written and unwritten laws. The more others rely on laws to respect your specific needs, the less they get to know you and your specific needs, sometimes with dire consequences.
Admitting we tend to generalize too much.
Admitting we tend to generalize too much.
Admitting we tend to generalize too much.
You don't know what you don't know
Your unknown unknowns, our silenced pain
structural exaction
Impact Parity Model
Which do you think is more feasible?
All needs sit equal before nature.
Nature refuses to submit to our psychosocial reduction ideologies. Nature will compel you to focus on your pain from unmet needs. Nature could care less about our popular ideas of reasoning. Needs come first, reasons later.
Nature trumps our rugged individualism. Indulge your desires at the expense of others you value, and nature will pain you with guilt.
Nature trumps our conformity to social norms. Neglect your needs for others and nature will pain you with redirecting depression.
resolving specific needs on all sides to remove pain that seeks generalizations for relief, stopping this vicious cycle
resolving specific needs on all sides to remove pain that seeks generalizations for relief, stopping this vicious cycle
IMPACTOR = You impact the relationship more than you are impacted by it.
IMPACTEE = You are impacted by the relationship more than you impact it.
reporting without presuming one is factually impacted as expressed
ascribed to leave open possibility of error

Value Seniors
Conventional eldercare consulting starts with public care. Not us.
Instead of starting with public resources in the community, we help strengthen your family ties to turn this challenging phase into one of deep connection.
You may find deeper family bonds you likely didn’t even realize were missing.
Value Relating exists beyond the alienating norms of modern society, beyond impersonal care. We bore down to the needs of both the senior and the family.
Equipped with anankelogy, we see ways to keep aging families closely connected. But don’t take my word for it. Check us out and hold us accountable.
Generalize lawbreakers as bad and any victims as the state's interest
applied anankelogy
As Gandhi reportedly declared, "I will not pay a hundred rupees" and instead will risk sitting in jail at the government's expense. I did so before and, like Chelsea Manning, I can do it again.
with its own unique vocabulary, bringing to light the nuance affecting your needs


"Opposing what another needs does not extinguish moral conflict, but enflames it."
"Authority without need-resolving legitimacy slips easily into tyranny."
"Nature is the true power, creating the power of needs. "
"Violence is weakness turned outward. Resilience is strength turned inward."