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Adopting our untried alternative to legalism

new solution adoption curve

Ready to try something radically new?


You’re here because you’re wrongly convicted and innocent. Or because you are the entrusted supporter of a wrongly convicted innocent. Or because you seek to learn more about this pioneering alternative to our failed criminal justice system to identify and clear the factually innocent. You're open to something new.

If personally or vicariously suffering a wrongful conviction, you’re likely here because you have exhausted state appeal remedies. You’re probably here because you have asked for help from innocence projects or a conviction integrity unit, and found them disappointing.

So you’re here because you

have the problem of underserved innocence we are trying to solve.

You’re here because you’re personally

aware of this problem of overlooked innocence.

You’re here because of how important for you to

solve this problem of neglected innocence.

You’re here because you

seek a workable solution to lost innocence.

Any lack of readiness to try this alternative depends on a few factors. Like how much time and energy you have to spare to invest in this pioneering alternative. And how emotionally exhausted you are from trusting the “system” and being let down again and again. You might even feel too traumatized to revisit this mess, and simply feel resigned to lost innocence. Perhaps you’re even concerned about monetary costs that may come later, as this service starts out free to anyone.


If ready, willing, and able to explore this alternative, we invite you to give it a try. Your willingness to try this alternative points to your particular adoption level. Researchers in 1956 ​discovered a predictable pattern for who and when a new product or service gets adopted by the public. Others like Frank Bass and Everett Rogers have built upon their model, including illustrating this “diffusion of new ideas” into a normative distribution bell curve, as illustrated above.

Which of these observed five segments of adoption best fits your readiness to try our Estimated Innocence Form, and its need-responsive alternative to the disappointing adversarial judicial system? Check out each below, and then click on the appropriate button for opening this new world to you.

Three levels of adoption

We encourage you to try each of our alternatives alongside the established offerings. We invite you to see if our need-responsive alternatives perform better than the legal system offerings. Think of this alternative journey as three levels of adoption.


  1. Adopt using EIF in competition with innocence litigators’ standard paper forms. You may choose to use the EIF to pursue exoneration through the familiar litigation path.

  2. Adopt our NR resolution approach in competition with their legalistic approach. You may choose to try our resolution alternative while trusting the adversarial process.

  3. Adopt our conciliatory process in competition with adversarial process. You may choose to try our conciliatory alternative as you wait out the adversarial process.

First Time Membership
Perhaps you're among the


If you’re eager to try some promising new thing never tried before, then we roll out the red carpet to you. We invite such innocence claimants and innocence lawyers to experiment with this exciting opportunity to revolutionize how we identify and clear the wrongly convicted innocent. Be among the first to fill out the EIF and upload it to us. Be among the first to post your instantly calculated viable innocence claim. Meanwhile, follow the first campaign to see how it can work for you.

2-early adopters
Perhaps you're among the

Early adopters

This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

TV Host
Fan Cheering
Perhaps you're among the

Early majority

This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

3-early majority
4-late majority
Perhaps you're among the

Late majority

This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

Cheering Crowd
Playing Video Games
Perhaps you're among the


This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

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