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Make a change, earn some change



Political change

starts with you.

Help your local reps



while you

get paid for it.



Let's get started


Responding to a SVOR Assessment you received?

Left? Right?

  • Attract voters by being more attentive to their range of specific needs

  • Bridge divisons by deeply understanding how each side experiences their politicized needs

  • Convince constituents how you understand their diverse needs better than any of your opponents

  • Defuse polarization by responding creatively to the differing needs on both sides

learn more
Anchor 16

Plans & Potential Revenue


Anchor 18

Find what you can do in the Enterprise Needs List below

Offer to serve need using the Talent Contribution form below

Resolve each other's needs through the Impact Engaging forum below




Political consulting rakes in $4 billion and counting. Would you like a cut?


Let’s face it. Politicians waste too much of it courting your vote. And for what?

  • Slick ads that insult your intelligence?

  • Opposition research to grandstand as better than their opponents?

  • Get-out-the-vote efforts without inspiring you with someone to vote for?

  • To “thank” their donors with little if any accountability?


Instead of throwing all that corrupting cash at attack ads and other traditional vote-getting methods, imagine them investing some of it earning your vote, and the votes of other average folks like you across the political spectrum.


No, not by buying your vote. But by learning how to earn your trust, and the trust of other voters just like you. By learning from YOU how to respect any clashing needs that needlessly fuel polarization.


Since you’ve finished the course, they need to know and apply what you’ve learned. Ready to share it? For the right price, of course.

Join us in putting love back into our public dialogue. We’re counting on you.


Anchor 17

Join us while there's still time. And while there are still open slots to fill. The 2018 election is underway, with candidates for office needing your input.

Join us in depolarizing politics by starting your own journey of self-discovery.

Offer to serve need using the Talent Contribution form below

Find what you can do in the Enterprise Needs List below

Resolve each other's needs through the Impact Engaging forum below




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