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Anchor 1

Coming out as transgender then falsely accused

Asexual person comes out as transgender in early 90s, gets falsely accused as being a “sexual predator” homophobic stereotype. Convicted without evidence. Must register as sex offender for life. Forced into poverty and homelessness.


strong claim


compared to those exonerated under similar circumstances

Score may increase when claim verified


Wellness progress score (average)
12 supporters, up 3 since last week
1 sponsors, up 1 since last week

irritation, anxiety, depression, guilt, powerlessness

Improving 15% since last week

Goal progress scores

Contacting employers

Contacting consumer reporting agencies

Contacting state reps

Contacting friendly media

Contacting mainstream

Contacting court

Job Interview

Employers we invite to see the need

Informed Decisions Act draft bill.png
Meetup Event

Notifications sent to all affected

Press Coverage
 Scales of Justice

Since 2018 Dec 8

Check your justifism

Anchor 10
Anchor 2

Steps (four sessions each, one per week)

  1. Intake cause, $100 ($25 per session) - set to start Mon 1/28/2019

  2. Integrate cause,$200 ($50/session)

  3. Include champion, $400 ($100/session)

  4. Inspire supporters, $800 ($200/session)

  5. Involve sponsors, $1600 ($400/session)

Support levels (four weekly commitment)

  1. Follow for FREE (or donate a dollar each week)

  2. Contribute ($5 weekly pledge)

  3. Invest ($15 weekly pledge)

  4. Sponsor (match $-for-$ or previous cycle)

My cause: To overcome this wrongful conviction in a way that helps others wrongly convicted to overcome theirs.

The goal increases with each step. To start, only asking for $100, to create opportunity to demonstrate trustworthiness. The goal doubles each month. Any amount received over the asked amount goes to Steph's stretch goal: help others similarly situated.

Anchor 3
Anchor 4
Anchor 5
Anchor 6
Anchor 7
Anchor 8
Anchor 9
solving problems by resolving needs
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removing pain by resolving needs

Enter your own amount.

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